Fair & Balanced®
"Fair & Balanced" is a registered trademark of Fox News Corporation. Judging by other corporate registered trademarks it surely has no bearing on the quality of the product. The slogan was originally used in conjunction with "Real Journalism", though that slogan has now fallen out of favor.

In 2002, Al Franken used the above slogan in the subtitle for his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (A Fair And Balanced Look At The Right). His book focused on the subject of media bias, especially that allegedly present at the FOX News Channel. FOX immediately sued, claiming that it had a trademark on the phrase. FOX News dropped the lawsuit, after Judge Denny Chin refused their request.
In December, 2003, FOX News found itself on the other end of a legal battle concerning the slogan, when Alternet filed a cancellation petition with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to have FOX's trademark rescinded as "notoriously misdescriptive". Legal proceedings relating to Alternet's petition continued throughout 2004. Alternet included the documentary film Outfoxed as supporting evidence in its case.
The slogan most recently used in its place is "We report, you decide", a slogan which has also been criticized.
"In conclusion God bless our troops and we will never forget September the 11th."
-Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)
(This is how he concludes all of his speeches)

In 2002, Al Franken used the above slogan in the subtitle for his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (A Fair And Balanced Look At The Right). His book focused on the subject of media bias, especially that allegedly present at the FOX News Channel. FOX immediately sued, claiming that it had a trademark on the phrase. FOX News dropped the lawsuit, after Judge Denny Chin refused their request.
In December, 2003, FOX News found itself on the other end of a legal battle concerning the slogan, when Alternet filed a cancellation petition with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to have FOX's trademark rescinded as "notoriously misdescriptive". Legal proceedings relating to Alternet's petition continued throughout 2004. Alternet included the documentary film Outfoxed as supporting evidence in its case.
The slogan most recently used in its place is "We report, you decide", a slogan which has also been criticized.
"In conclusion God bless our troops and we will never forget September the 11th."
-Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)
(This is how he concludes all of his speeches)