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Enchantment and lack thereof

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Saturday, August 06, 2005


There will be a restructuring of the Blog. This will account for the delay since my last entry.

It has been quite awhile and I suppose I should bring you up to speed. I have been thought Greece, Italy, France, Belgium, and The Netherlands (yes, that includes Amsterdam - Dumbass!). The trip was fun. I was most impressed with the European social model and the many nearly-indistinguishable differences between Europe and the US. The only thing that I learned from the "academic" portion of this trip was how dumb and pointless it is to be a business student. Their degree is worth as much as two squares of my shitty, non-asslotion toilet paper that I stole from work because I am a cheap fucker. For someone else's opinion that I am claiming for myself out of sheer convenience and laziness, check out Moose's latest entry.

I have had my wisdom teeth finally removed and am still experiencing the unpleasant effects. Other than that, I have just spent my time on Wikipedia; potentially the most useful website on the Internet.

Tonight was an amazing night, and I am writing as a direct result of it. Because of the people involved, I must never speak of it to anyone. All I can tell you is that it involves an amazing property, a swimming pool, tons of candy, and engineering. It's not what you're thinking!

So what else to talk about? I am in Athens for the rest of the summer. It's calm and slightly eventful. If I could have nights everynight like I did tonight, I:
  1. Would not notice the abnormality - nay the specific uniquity of tonight
  2. Would never be bored.
Several of my wishes have come true tonight, and it's not as creepy as it sounds.

There are 2,014,156,800 seconds in 64 years. And a second is a really long time.


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