Thoughts that float by...
30 Days does for television what Ghandi did for peace.
The prison industrial complex is probably the closest thing I've seen to pure evil.
Corpratization: The uncontrolled parasites that leech off the people, and eventually their government.
"Mother nature needs a facelift."
Industrial food, corporate universities, privatized prisons; we have departed from nature and common sense.
Jail isn't about rehabilitation any more. We are denying people due process, putting them in the worst place on Earth, and being told to forget about them.
About 90% of crack arrests are of African-Americans, while 75% of powder cocaine arrests are of whites. Under federal law, it takes only five grams of crack cocaine to trigger a five-year mandatory minimum sentence. But it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine (100 times as much) to trigger this same sentence. This flagrant injustice was highlighted by a 1996 nationwide federal prison rebellion when Congress refused to enact changes in sentencing laws that would equalize penalties.
Illicit drug trade is a 50 billion dollar industry, a corporation in and of itself. They just don't have lobbyists.
Prisoners are a corporation's favorite work force.
Why were we so afraid of communism?
Motto of a successful business: The world is a single market; natural resources are to be exploited; people are consumers; anything which hinders profit is to be routed out and destroyed.
The prison industrial complex is probably the closest thing I've seen to pure evil.
Corpratization: The uncontrolled parasites that leech off the people, and eventually their government.
"Mother nature needs a facelift."
Industrial food, corporate universities, privatized prisons; we have departed from nature and common sense.
Jail isn't about rehabilitation any more. We are denying people due process, putting them in the worst place on Earth, and being told to forget about them.
About 90% of crack arrests are of African-Americans, while 75% of powder cocaine arrests are of whites. Under federal law, it takes only five grams of crack cocaine to trigger a five-year mandatory minimum sentence. But it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine (100 times as much) to trigger this same sentence. This flagrant injustice was highlighted by a 1996 nationwide federal prison rebellion when Congress refused to enact changes in sentencing laws that would equalize penalties.
Illicit drug trade is a 50 billion dollar industry, a corporation in and of itself. They just don't have lobbyists.
Prisoners are a corporation's favorite work force.
Why were we so afraid of communism?
Motto of a successful business: The world is a single market; natural resources are to be exploited; people are consumers; anything which hinders profit is to be routed out and destroyed.