Memior Project - Politics
The United States is amidst a conservative sweep. Issues that historically were given a liberal, progressive, or other sensible approach have been overcome and swung backwards by the right wing. Conservative lobbying groups like the Religious Right and the NRA outnumber competing organizations both financially and in terms or personnel. Conservative think-tanks like The Herritage Foundation are twice as abundant as liberal consulting groups. The Democrats have been losing ground since the 60's; a grassroots, underground uprising has taken them by surprise. The country has been stolen from them.
Laws and policy regarding corporate crime, greed, misconduct, and consumer protection have taken a backseat to more stringent drug regulations, a dirty and unjust war, and The Patriot Act. These days, the proportion of tax money frivolously wasted or used against the American people is inexcuseable. We Americans wear clothes that people in other lands toil day and night to make,
all for just a few dollars a week. Our president bombs nations, kills to stimulate the economy, help his wealthy friends make their fortunes, and keep the citizens of America afraid, so they continue casting Republican votes. I wish another terrorist attack had occoured before Election 2004, the terrorists are being lazy. I would have loved to see two catastrophies in a single Bush term, that would have for sure swung Kerry to the lead.
I guess it doesn't matter that Kerry lost. Both political parties have become so dependent on corporate donations, so indentured to the multi-billion dollar enterprises that account for most of their funding; that they neglect the needs and beliefs of the American people over the demands of big multi-national businesses. A prime example of the master-slave relationship between business and politics shines through on the issue of prescription drugs. Almost every other 1st world country regulates the prices of pharmecuticals nationwide. Because of this regulation, almost all drugs are cheaper in other countries, even though they are manufactured in the U.S. Because the United States holds no such regulations on these American drug companies, they happily set, and raise, their price on a regular basis. Because of the drug deregulation, it is usually cheaper to re-import drugs from Canada, that have already been exported from America. During his campaign, Bush moved to outlaw such importation practices, claiming that such drugs, still manufactured in the U.S., may not be safe to consume once safley back in the country. Kerry, though still off target, offered a slightly better plan. He proposed legalizing the importation of Canadian drugs, though he wouldn't dare challenge the big American drug companies.
Both politicians are side-stepping the real issue. If either man or party had the guts to stand up to the drug bonanza, they could solve the entire problem without the need to import and export. In a slightly related topic, health insurance companies enjoy the same deregulation. Where most countries have done away with the unnecessary, costly matter of insurance; America is still heading strong in the wrong direction. American insurance companies have increased without bound:
- Premiums and prices
- Profits, consistently and without exception year after year
- Donations to political parties
It is interesting to note that most companies invest in both parties come election time. This way they are covered no matter who wins. It's a calculated gamble for them. What is more interesting is how companies pick favorites. Almost unanumously, across-the-board, corporations favor theRepublicans over the Democrats. I guess they bet on the right horse.
In conclusion, I would like to quote one Republican congressman from North Carolina. " conclusion, God bless our troops and we will never forget September the eleventh."
Laws and policy regarding corporate crime, greed, misconduct, and consumer protection have taken a backseat to more stringent drug regulations, a dirty and unjust war, and The Patriot Act. These days, the proportion of tax money frivolously wasted or used against the American people is inexcuseable. We Americans wear clothes that people in other lands toil day and night to make,
all for just a few dollars a week. Our president bombs nations, kills to stimulate the economy, help his wealthy friends make their fortunes, and keep the citizens of America afraid, so they continue casting Republican votes. I wish another terrorist attack had occoured before Election 2004, the terrorists are being lazy. I would have loved to see two catastrophies in a single Bush term, that would have for sure swung Kerry to the lead.
I guess it doesn't matter that Kerry lost. Both political parties have become so dependent on corporate donations, so indentured to the multi-billion dollar enterprises that account for most of their funding; that they neglect the needs and beliefs of the American people over the demands of big multi-national businesses. A prime example of the master-slave relationship between business and politics shines through on the issue of prescription drugs. Almost every other 1st world country regulates the prices of pharmecuticals nationwide. Because of this regulation, almost all drugs are cheaper in other countries, even though they are manufactured in the U.S. Because the United States holds no such regulations on these American drug companies, they happily set, and raise, their price on a regular basis. Because of the drug deregulation, it is usually cheaper to re-import drugs from Canada, that have already been exported from America. During his campaign, Bush moved to outlaw such importation practices, claiming that such drugs, still manufactured in the U.S., may not be safe to consume once safley back in the country. Kerry, though still off target, offered a slightly better plan. He proposed legalizing the importation of Canadian drugs, though he wouldn't dare challenge the big American drug companies.
Both politicians are side-stepping the real issue. If either man or party had the guts to stand up to the drug bonanza, they could solve the entire problem without the need to import and export. In a slightly related topic, health insurance companies enjoy the same deregulation. Where most countries have done away with the unnecessary, costly matter of insurance; America is still heading strong in the wrong direction. American insurance companies have increased without bound:
- Premiums and prices
- Profits, consistently and without exception year after year
- Donations to political parties
It is interesting to note that most companies invest in both parties come election time. This way they are covered no matter who wins. It's a calculated gamble for them. What is more interesting is how companies pick favorites. Almost unanumously, across-the-board, corporations favor theRepublicans over the Democrats. I guess they bet on the right horse.
In conclusion, I would like to quote one Republican congressman from North Carolina. " conclusion, God bless our troops and we will never forget September the eleventh."
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