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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Thursday, November 11, 2004

W, Who's President?

It should come as no surprise. Only a week into his second term, Bush is again striving to fuck everything up. The other day Bush announced his plan to legalize and deregulate immigration from Mexico. If he succeeds, Mexican immigrants will be permitted to work in the U.S. and take up "undesirable" jobs that Americans just don't want to work. That's great, right? We won't have to work at Burger King or on the construction site anymore. The Bush administration is no longer openly encouraging job outsourcing, they're letting foreigners come here and take the jobs right out from under us.

Last I heard, we were in a job crisis. Unemployment is on the rise, and median income has decreased over the last 4 years. How does it make sense to open our borders to Mexico and let them work jobs that we don't have? The minimum wage in Mexico is less than $1/hour. Imagine how excited Mexicans will be to hear that they can legally work for 5 times that wage in America. There will be a tremendous influx of Mexican workers looking for jobs. Delighted, employers will profile and "affirmative action" these Mexicans so they can hire them at minimum wage. Employers who pay people $10/hour to work in a car wash will be delighted to liquidate their staff and hire all-new Mexican workers, eager to earn minimum wage.

The $5.15/hour minimum wage has the lowest buying power than it has ever had. Historically, the minimum wage has been raised every four years. It has been over 7 years since the minimum wage has been increased. It is by no means a living wage. Hell, the way the Bush administration is going, they'll probably lower minimum wage to help their corporate friends.

In defense of this plan, my roommate John (playing the devil's advocate) made the following point. Perhaps the corporations could afford to create more jobs, since they would be paying the Mexicans less. I answered him, "When was the last time a corporation ever did anything to help you out?" We all know that corporations only care about profit and return to shareholders. The American people don't fit into their goals.

Not only will this stunt mean unemployment for you and me, it will also mean that any shmuck can fly to Mexico, and cross the newly unregulated border, with drugs, bombs, or weapons. It won't be long before this porous border is the cause of the next 9/11. Mark my words.

To fight Bush's plan to give our jobs away, I would say write him a letter, but we all know he won't read it. And thanks to his Republican majority in Congress, any legislation Bush proposes is going to pass. I guess we're screwed.

For more information can be found at the link below.

Bush revives bid to legalize illegal immigrants


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