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Enchantment and lack thereof

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Monday, November 08, 2004


Well, the election has been over for long enough, I guess I'll contribute my two cents about it. In my opinion, it was sad that Bush won again. He is truly a terrible president and I wish there were some way to unseat the tyrant. Though Kerry was only a slightly better alternative, it was clear that he was the only one who had a shot at beating Bush. Kerry's loss is the result of two things.

1) The Democrats need to grow a pair. The Democratic party are quickly loosing ground. Despite the fact that they are looking out for a majority of Americans, Democrats are loosing to Republicans across the country. This is the result of the "Republican Noise Machine" basically the propaganda spilloff of Fox News and the Religious Right. These organizations are preaching Bush and his ilk as "the next Cicero" or "God's chosen president". A majority of Americans are so dumb that they actually believe this horseshit.

2) On the topic of religion, did anybody notice Ohio's Issue 1 and all the other referenda across the country attempting to ban gay marriage. These pieces of legislation are trivial and unnecessary. It is illegal for a man to marry another man in the United States, it always has been. The same goes for women. These state amendments have done nothing but state an already-true fact. Since they have no legal power, these amendments are simply discrimination against millions of Americans and a giant step backwards for civil rights, and the gay community.
If gay marriage was already illegal, why was it on the ballot?

I'll tell you why. The Republicans, who have done a truly remarkable job of distorting the truth and taking advantage of people's beliefs, worked to get this issue on the ballot for one reason. To get right-wing, evangelist groups to the polls so they could vote for this amendment and throw one in for ol' vagina (Bush) as well. This is why Bush won, this is how the Republicans managed to counter the millions of newly registered Democratic voters for the Kerry campaign.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"grow a pair"

disgusting phrase!


8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So totally right on about that gay-marriage-ban-to-get-republicans-to-the-polls thing. I hadn't thought about it that way, but it so totally makes sense.

What a bunch of repulsive nimrods we Americans are.


7:21 PM  

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