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Enchantment and lack thereof

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A conversation just so one can hear himself speak

Ever have one of those? Where the purpose of the conversation is not to exchange information, to pass the time, or even for entertainment or leisure; instead, just so the other person can talk about himself?

I had two 2 hour tests today, I can never tell what grade I think I got on them, and no matter what grade I guess, I always manage to do much worse. If I had to predict I would say a 75%-85% on my statics test and anywhere from 30%-75% on my signals test. The reason for the wide range is simple: signals class is a big piece. I won't use this journal for to gripe, because nobody wants to read it that.[grammar on purpose]

Then again, I can't imagine that anybody wants to read any of this. If I weren't writing it, I wouldn't read it. I was hesitant to have a weblog for a long time. My theory: Of all the millions of live journals and such, how many are actually read? I bet a great deal of them are only read by a select few people and very seldom at that. We as a society are becoming too well connected, information saturated, if you will. There is so much information out there that most of it goes unexplored, or only seen by a few people who spend all day on the computer. I feel like a loser putting my thoughts out here for everyone with an internet connection to see. As if I don't have friends, or even human contacts to speak to, so I broadcast my thoughts on the www. Of course this is not the truth, many of my friends will tell you that its hard to get me to stop talking (especially high). I have to keep convincing myself that I am doing this out of boredom and curiosity, and that I am not a loser.

Still contemplating whether or not to continue this thing.

As some of you may know, I keep a party journal. I write about the good times that one tends to forget. In my latest entry I had some interesting things to say. The next morning I was quite surprised to read what I had written. The following is an excerpt:

Friday July 9, 2004

...I saw a girl sleeping outside in a conveitobe [convertible]. Not-oa-attrautive.... I am so hot that I don't know what happens here. SWEAT!....OH GOD! So hot. Good night ... So tired ... Time to ruin a new pair of sheets's, NIGHT ALL!

I guess it was funnier when I read it, because I don't remember writing that stuff. I assume nobody is reading anymore at this point.

And now to tie these unrelated subjects together. A live journal is a conversation in which one speaks to hear himself talk. This may be a motivation behind why I am doing this. Maybe I should only type in this thing when I am under the influence of mind-expanding drugs, because this is uninteresting and lame otherwise. The next entry will be a good one, so stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babes!! it's katie d. just wanted to drop in and say you're amusing, and i do like the way you philosophize when you are drunk, high, and even sober!!! you're really funny and a great friend!! hope to see a lot of you even though we aren't living together this year!!! :)

10:10 PM  

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